lilac2012 (Анна Парчинская) Музей на дому (lilac2012) wrote,
lilac2012 (Анна Парчинская) Музей на дому


Ганс Гольбейн Младший (1497 - 1543). Графика

Оригинал взят у philologist в Ганс Гольбейн Младший (1497 - 1543). Часть II
Оригинал взят у philologist в Ганс Гольбейн Младший (1497 - 1543). Часть II

Ганс Гольбейн (Младший) (нем. Hans Holbein der Jüngere, 1497, Аугсбург — 1543, Лондон) — живописец, один из величайших немецких художников. Самый знаменитый представитель этой фамилии.

Christ on the Cross. 1516

A Courtly Couple, c. 1532–36. A Nobleman Holding an Astronomical Globe. 1530s

A Woman Seated on a Settle with Four Children. 1532-34

A Young Englishwoman, costume study. 1526–28 or c. 1532–35

An Unidentified Man. c.1534-36

Anna Meyer, daughter of Jacob Meyer zum Hasen, 1516

Basel Woman Turned to the Left. Costume Study. c.1523

Basel Woman Turned to the Right. Costume Study. c.1523

Basel Woman Walking towards the Left, Costume Study. c.1523

Basel Woman with Ostrich Feather Hat, Costume Study. c.1523

Battle Scene. c.1524

Christ at Rest. 1519

Christ Before Hannas. Design for stained glass window. c.1528

Christ Carrying the Cross. c.1518

Christ Carrying the Cross. Design for stained glass window. c.1525-28

Christ on the Cross. Design for stained glass window. c.1525-28

Christ's Crowning with Thorns, design for a stained glass window. c.1528

Design for a Stained Glass Window for Christoph von Eberstein. 1522

Design for a Stained Glass Window for Hans Fleckenstein. 1517

Design for a Stained Glass Window with a Swineherd. c.1518-19

Design for a Stained Glass Window with the Coronation of the Virgin. c.1518

Design for a Stained Glass Window with Two Unicorns. c.1522-23

ean de Boulogne, Duchess of Berry, study of a sculpture by Jean de Cambrai. c.1523-24

Ecce Homo, c.1515 by Hans Holbein the Younger after Lucas van Leyden

Ecce Homo, design for a stained glass window. c.1528

Folly Steps Down From the Pulpit, 1515

Fragment of a Scene with Classical Figures, c.1520

From Moving Vessel. 1533

Henry VIII and Henry VII, cartoon for wall painting in Whitehall, 1537

Musicians on a Gallery. c.1524

Nativity Scene. c.1520-22

Pilate Washing his Hands, design for a stained glass window. c.1528

Portrait drawing of Bonifacius Amerbach. c.1525

Portrait of a Lady, called Anne Boleyn. ca 1532-1535

Portrait of a Man. c.1532-35

Portrait of a Sir Philip Hoby. c.1532-36

Portrait of a Woman, inscribed in gold over red «Anna Bollein Queen». c.1532-36

Portrait of a Young Woman. c.1520-22

Portrait of an English Lady...

Portrait of an Unidentified Gentleman. c.1535-40

Portrait of an Unidentified Man with a Beard. c.1535

Portrait of an Unidentified Man. 1535

Portrait of an Unidentified Woman. c.1535

Portrait of an Unknown English Nobleman. c.1527

Portrait of an Unknown English Noblewoman. c.1527

Portrait of an Unknown Gentleman, 1532-43

Portrait of an Unknown Gentleman, 1540-50

Portrait of an Unknown Lady, 1532-43

Portrait of an Unknown Lady, 1532-1543

Portrait of an Unknown Lady. 1532-1543

Portrait of an Unknown Lady. c.1540

Portrait of an Unknown Man. 1532-43

Portrait of an Unknown Woman. 1526-28

Portrait of an Unknown Woman. c.1527-28

Portrait of Bishop John Fisher. c.1532-35

Portrait of Bishop John Fisher

Portrait of Charles de Solier, Sieur de Morette. c.1534-35

Portrait of Dorothea Meyer, nee Kannengiesser. 1516

Portrait of Dorothea Meyer, nee Kannengiesser. c.1525-26

Portrait of Dorothea Meyer,

Portrait of Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby. 1532-43

Portrait of Edward, Lord Clinton. c.1534-35

Portrait of Elizabeth, Lady Rich. c.1535-40

Portrait of Frances, Countess of Surrey. c.1535

Portrait of George Brooke, 9th Baron Cobham. c.1538-40

Portrait of Grace, Lady Parker. 1530s

Portrait of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. c.1533

Portrait of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. c.1550

Portrait of Jacob Meyer zum Hasen. c.1525-26

Portrait of Jakob Meyer zum Hasen, Mayor of Basel. 1526-30

Portrait of Jakob Meyer zum Hasen. 1516

Portrait of James Butler, Earl of Ormond. c.1537

Portrait of Jane Seymour. c.1536

Portrait of Jane, Lady Lister. c.1532-43

Portrait of Joan, Lady Meutas. c.1536

Portrait of John Colet. c.1535

Portrait of John Poyntz. c.1535

Portrait of John Russell, Earl of Bedford. c.1532-43

Portrait of Katherine, Duchess of Suffolk. c.1534-36

Portrait of Lady Audley. c.1538

Portrait of Lady Hoby. c.1536-40

Portrait of Lady, 1532-43

Portrait of Lord Francis Russell. c.1540-42

Portrait of M. Zouch. c.1538

Portrait of Margaret a Barow, Lady Eliot. c.1532-34

Portrait of Margaret, Lady Butts. c.1541-43

Portrait of Margaret, Marchioness of Dorset. 1532-35

Portrait of Mary, Lady Heveningham. c.1532-43

Portrait of Mary, Lady Monteagle. c.1538-40

Portrait of Nicolas Bourbon. 1535

Portrait of Prince Edward in a Roundel. 1538

Portrait of Richard, Baron Rich. 1532-43

Portrait of Simon George. c.1535-37

Portrait of Sir Charles Wingfield. 1532-43

Portrait of Sir Gavin Carew. 1532-43

Portrait of Sir George Carew. c.1540-43

Portrait of Sir John Gage. c.1535-40

Portrait of Sir John Godsalve. c.1532-33

Portrait of Sir Nicholas Carew. 1527-28

Portrait of Sir Richard Southwell. 1536

Portrait of Sir Thomas Elyot. 1532-34

Portrait of Sir Thomas Parry. c.1538-40

Portrait of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Portrait of Sir William Sharington, 1540-43

Portrait of Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton. c.1536-40

Portrait of Thomas, Baron Wentworth. 1532-43

Portrait of Thomas, Lord Vaux. c.1535-40

Portrait of William FitzWilliam, 1st Earl of Southampton. c.1536-40

Portrait of William Parr, Marquess of Northampton. c.1538-40

Portrait of William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1527

Portrait study of Anne Cresacre. c.1527

Portrait study of Cecily Heron. c.1527

Portrait study of Elizabeth Dauncey. c.1527

Portrait study of John More. c.1527

Portrait study of Margaret Giggs. c.1527

Portrait study of Mary, Lady Guildford, nee Wotton. 1527

Portrait Study of Prince Edward as a Young Child. 1538

Portrait Study of Sir Henry Guildford. 1527

Portrait study of Sir John More. c.1527

Portrait Study of Sir Thomas More. 1526-27

Possible portrait of Edward, Prince of Wales. 1542-43

Printer's Device of Johannes Froben. c.1523

Proportion Study. c.1535

Rehoboam. Fragment of the wall painting in the Great Council Chamber of Basel Town Hall. 1530

Rehoboam's Insolence. 1530

Samuel Cursing Saul. 1530

Seated Virgin and Child, chiaroscuro drawing. 1519

Self Portrait of Hans Holbein the Younger, drawing around 1520

Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. c.1534-35

St Adrian, chiaroscuro drawing. c.1520-22

St Andrew, design for a stained glass window. c.1519-21

St Anne with the Virgin and Child, design for a stained glass window. c.1519-21

St Barbara, design for a stained glass window. c.1519-21

St catherine of Alexandria, design for a stained glass window. c.1519-21

St John the Apostle. c.1517

St John the Baptist, design for a stained glass window. c.1519-21

St Pantalus under a Renaissance Portico, design for a stained glass window. c.1519-21

St Stephen, design for a stained glass window. c.1519-21

Stained Glass Window Designs for the Passion of Christ. c.1525-1528

Studies of the Hands of Erasmus of Rotterdam. около 1523

Study for the Family Portrait of Sir Thomas More. c.1527

Study of a bat with outspread wings. с.1523

Study of Resting Lamb and Head of Lamb. c.1523

The Apostle Andrew. workshop or circle of Hans Holbein the Younger. 1527

The Apostle Bartholemew, workshop or circle of Hans Holbein the Younger. c.1527

The Apostle Peter. workshop or circle of Hans Holbein the Younger. 1527

The Archangel Michael Weighing Souls. c.1523

The Disrobing of Christ. Design for stained glass window. c.1525-1528

The Holy Family. около 1517

The Humiliation of Emperor Valerian by Shapur, King of Persia. 1521

The Mocking of Christ, design for a stained glass window. с.1528

The Nailing of Christ to the Cross. Design for stained glass window. c.1525-1528

The Scourging of Christ, design for a stained glass window. около 1528

The Stone Thrower. с около 1532 до, примерно, 1534

Theodore Beza

Triumph of Poverty. by Lucas Vorstermann the Elder, after Hans Holbein the Younger. 17th-century copy of lost original of 1532–34

Triumph of Wealth. c.1532-34

Two Skulls in a Window Niche. c.1520

Two Swiss Mercenaries, design for a Stained Glass Window, workshop of Hans Holbein the Younger. c.1525

Two Views of a Lady Wearing an English Hood, costume study. 1526–28 or c.1532–35

Virgin and Child Between Columns, chiaroscuro drawing. c.1520

Virgin and Child under a Renaissance Portico, design for a stained glass window. c.1519-21

Virgin and Child. 1520

Wild Man, design for a Stained Glass Window. c.1525-28
Tags: Гольбейн мл., графика

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